Keeping Kids Safe: A Parent's Guide to Self Defence
Posted: February 08, 2023
Unfortunately, the reasons why kids need to stay safe are becoming more and more. With that being said, however, we appreciate that along with this, the importance of self defence is also on the rise - so we need to make sure our kids are educated! At Ellis Academy of Self Defence, we teach self defence techniques to kids as young as three. This blog acts as a parent’s guide to self defence.
We support parents in wanting to protect their children. This is why we teach children the appropriate ways to keep themselves, their peers and their loved ones safe, through the teaching of self defence, specifically rooted in martial arts practices. Our priority is keeping kids safe.
We acknowledge that kids of any age, need to understand self defence techniques for their own protection. Understanding how to keep yourself safe in dangerous areal life circumstances can avoid injuries and in the worth cases, fatal accidents.
Keeping Kids Safe
Around the world, children of all ages fall victim to violent attacks and physical danger. Whether it be neglect, physical abuse, bullying or in cases as extreme as trafficking, it is important for both children and their parents to feel confident in their abilities to keep themselves safe and defend themselves.
Teaching children how to keep themselves is one thing, but encouraging and educating parents on how to keep their children safe is another. Encouraging your child to take part in self defence classes is one of the best ways in which you can create an environment of safety, they learn in a fun environment and you’re aware of the skills they are learning.
Self defence classes can be so beneficial for children of any age whether it be learning simple martial arts skills at a young age or specialising in jiu-jitsu as a teenager, these classes have so many benefits for children of all ages.
Keeping Safe With Martial Arts
More often than not, in real life, physical attacks end up on the ground, so we need to know what to do when we get there. Jiu-jitsu, the practice we focus our efforts on at Ellis Academy is a grappling practice, meaning there is no hitting, kicking or punching involved, instead it is about defending yourself from your opponent when on the ground.
The difference between this to other forms of self-defence is that it gives smaller built, less physically strong people a fair chance of beating their opponents hence the value it can have in real life attacks.
Teaching children self defence through martial arts is a really brilliant way of encouraging them to understand the importance of defending themselves, but also keeps them fit, active and engaged.
Parent’s Guide To Self Defence
Child safety experts often conclude on how children can stay safe by staying away from potential danger. That being said, it is important to acknowledge that without looking for it, children can often find themselves in dangerous situations and should be equipped to handle them appropriately and defend themselves.
Although there are tips in which parents can teach children to be safe, we encourage children to learn the art of self defence in an environment that is fun and educational. Parents if you want to encourage your child to learn self defence techniques - send them to martial arts classes!
Keeping Kids Safe At Ellis Academy Of Self Defence
We, alongside many parents and adults, take children’s safety very seriously, in fact, keeping kids safe is our top priority at Ellis Academy. It is no secret that the world we live in can be a dangerous place to raise a child, which is why we encourage, not to wrap our children in cotton wool but instead to teach them ways in which they can self defend.
By encouraging a fun, enjoyable experience in martial arts classes, children can teach beneficial tools of self defence without even realising! Focusing on boosting their mental health, improving fitness and developing social skills, our children’s classes at Ellis Academy teach self defence in a way that encourages development.
If you would like to learn more about how we strive to keep kids safe, why not give us a call? We would love to chat with parents about how to encourage keeping kids safe and discuss how martial arts can make that happen.
Call our team today on 01737761999.