The Science Behind The Techniques: Understanding The Mechanics of Martial Arts
Posted: April 21, 2023
It is no secret that martial arts require a great level of skill and technique. Delving deeper into these techniques and the mechanics of martial arts, we take a look at the science behind the sport. When we explore the science behind the techniques to further our understanding of the mechanics of martial arts, our attention is drawn to physics, the science of force, motion and energy.
Let us explore the science behind martial arts techniques further.
The Science Behind Martial Arts Techniques
When we focus our attention on physics, it becomes clearly apparent why it has such a huge role in martial arts, understanding how, through the use of the appropriate force, motion and movement, an opponent of a lower weight and smaller stature can still win the fight.
Understanding this type of science as martial artists can allow us to further understand the mechanics of martial arts; how to correctly move our bodies, the appropriate amount of impact and force to use on our opponents and so on.
Martial arts is a practice that impacts so many areas of its students’ lives, whether it be fitness and health benefits, the ability to self defend, or the impact it has on mental health that you are searching for on your journey within martial arts - the science has a hugely beneficial impact.
Understanding The Mechanics Of Martial Arts
In order to really get to grips with the mechanics of martial arts, one must understand their body and its functions, and how that may be displayed in the dojo - or in real life scenarios where one may require the use of self defence skills.
With many moves in martial arts, it’s important to understand the impact on the whole body, and how each part of our bodies plays a part in the technique being performed. Many of us mistake a technique for the use of a singular limb.
Even further than the body, actions and techniques performed in martial arts require mechanics to work seamlessly within our bodies and our minds.
It’s important that in order to understand the mechanics of the sport, we must really understand the connections within our bodies and minds, and how all functions are crucial to the success of us as martial artists.
Each element of our body and mind are somehow connected, which in a nutshell, is the true science behind martial arts, the way in which the mechanics work and the cogs turn within, allowing us to perform such intricate and powerful techniques.
At the heart of martial arts is the mechanics of our body and mind. Each technique performed is as a result of the power, force and movement inflicted by our brains and its connection to our limbs.
Equally, the techniques in which we perform can have a reciprocal effect on our internal mechanics, allowing us to be healthier, stronger and more agile, improving the state of our bodies and minds - this links back to what we said earlier, martial arts can have a hugely beneficial impact on our physical and mental health!
To truly understand the science of martial arts techniques, we must first focus within, and acknowledge that the mechanics of martial arts are a result of the mechanics that occur within ourselves.
Sure, we can turn to the law of physics, which no doubt plays a hugely significant role in the success of a powerful martial artist, but what is at the crux of the technique is how well our bodies and minds are equipped.
The science of the technique can quite simply be explained by the amalgamation of external forces and internal resilience.
If you would like to learn more about understanding the mechanics of martial arts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. We offer children’s and adult classes - so why not come and learn for yourself what it takes to really understand the science behind the technique?
You can get in touch with a member of our team today by calling 01737761999.